Weekly Recap From: "So, You Wanna Be A Planet"
Well, the votes are in, folks, and what did I tell you?
Pluto got the boot.
I called it last week, but I don't think anyone wanted to listen to me. I mean, sure, he did extremely well in the hydrostatic equilibrium portion of the judging (kicked Saturn's semi-round butt!) but we all saw how he was having problems with the whole orbit thing. Remember the collective audience wince when he stepped all over Neptune's orbit? He really lost some points there. I thought Ronald was going to blow his stack in his final review of that little moment. He's been so much more catty this season, don't you think? Take a chill pill, Ron!
I was almost certain they'd go with the traditional "Pop Hits of the 80's" theme for last week, but when Cathy Cesarsky announced the "Gravitational Neighborhood Clearance" challenge, I knew Pluto just didn't have the chops to pull it off. (Oooo! While we're on the subject of Cathy, I'm really liking her look this season, but I've been a little thrown by the rumors she's got something going on with Mercury. Considering that whole scandal with her supposedly sleeping with Sirius on last season's "So You Wanna Be A Star", I really think she's playing it straight this year. I've got your back, girlfriend!)
Anyway, when they announced the challenge last week you could just see the terror settle in on both Pluto's and 2003 UB313's faces. Frankly, I was surprised at Ceres' composure at that moment. She doesn't exactly have a lot of pull in the gravitational department herself. But she was unphased. I think you've got to admire that kind of moxy.
Pluto actually had my sympathy until his exit interview. There were quite a lot of low blows aimed at you-know-who. C'mon Pluto, we all know who's going to be next one to get voted out, but the Uranus jokes are getting pretty old.
Pluto got the boot.
I called it last week, but I don't think anyone wanted to listen to me. I mean, sure, he did extremely well in the hydrostatic equilibrium portion of the judging (kicked Saturn's semi-round butt!) but we all saw how he was having problems with the whole orbit thing. Remember the collective audience wince when he stepped all over Neptune's orbit? He really lost some points there. I thought Ronald was going to blow his stack in his final review of that little moment. He's been so much more catty this season, don't you think? Take a chill pill, Ron!
I was almost certain they'd go with the traditional "Pop Hits of the 80's" theme for last week, but when Cathy Cesarsky announced the "Gravitational Neighborhood Clearance" challenge, I knew Pluto just didn't have the chops to pull it off. (Oooo! While we're on the subject of Cathy, I'm really liking her look this season, but I've been a little thrown by the rumors she's got something going on with Mercury. Considering that whole scandal with her supposedly sleeping with Sirius on last season's "So You Wanna Be A Star", I really think she's playing it straight this year. I've got your back, girlfriend!)
Anyway, when they announced the challenge last week you could just see the terror settle in on both Pluto's and 2003 UB313's faces. Frankly, I was surprised at Ceres' composure at that moment. She doesn't exactly have a lot of pull in the gravitational department herself. But she was unphased. I think you've got to admire that kind of moxy.
Pluto actually had my sympathy until his exit interview. There were quite a lot of low blows aimed at you-know-who. C'mon Pluto, we all know who's going to be next one to get voted out, but the Uranus jokes are getting pretty old.