Monday, August 14, 2006

Looking For Love In All The Wrong Spaceships

So, I'm not exactly sure what's going on with my spam filter at hotmail, but I've been getting a lot of weird mail lately. The majority of it seems to be coming from a series of folks who are starting to ask some rather odd questions: "To be frankly, are you hot?", or "I thank your gorgus, do you want to be with hot girl?" (I don't even know what my gorgus is*, but apparently, it's doing nice things)

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Sure, Goshzilla," you say, "there's a lot of bad spelling peoples out there on the intarweb. What makes you think these folks are all connected in some way?" Well, I'll tell you. Thus far, at least twenty different people (all absolute strangers to me) have emailed me, wanting me to contact them via MSN messenger. They gave me names like emilydizzy, emilytriton, emilymelon, emilyflush, emilyhotplums and emilyexpress as contacts. Huh. Starting to see a pattern here?

That's right! They all have the first name EMILY! I know! Freaky, huh?

I've given it some mulling over, and I think I know what's behind it all now. The poor spelling? The shared first names? That's right, kids. Female Red Lectroids, straight from Planet 10 by way of the 8th dimension. I don't know why they're so concerned with the temperature (But, duh, it's summer! Of course I'm hot), but knowing who I'm dealing with is half the battle, I think. I'm just worried I've tipped my hand with this post. They might know I'm on to them.

Further posts as events warrant.

Oh, and the picture is of Mecdrox's character, Somtan.

*I googled Gorgus, and apparently he was a king on "The Legends of Hercules". He's not my king, though. Another piece of the puzzle falls into place.


Blogger Cholki said...

Nice character! More please. At least your getting Emily to take notice of your hotness. What creature of any 8th dimension can resist earth musk? Especially the gorilla grip of Swede Sweat!

8:01 PM  
Blogger Goshzilla said...

Thanks, Cholki! The apartment is hopefully getting a new router her soon (courtesy one super-guy Mecdrox), so I should be able to poat a few new images soon.

Until then, I'm going to just sorta lie here and imagine the grip offered by the earth musk of Swede sweat.

3:47 PM  
Blogger Goshzilla said...

Man. Check out the spelling on that last genius comment. Poat, huh? Good one.

You better believe I'm gonna poat a few new images. I'm gonna poat like the wind.

3:52 PM  
Blogger Cholki said...

Forget spellcheck man. " a router HERE" hahaha
Dude thats great news about the router. Get a webcam too who needs shoes!
I forgot to mention" so what happened to your car? Jared wrote he was in an accident also. Did you hit into each other. Man you guys have the best ways to kill boredom.

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi,goshzilla.I am sky-sword.I also received many Emails from the group emily.Then I used goole to find "emilydizzy",that's why I am here.I agree with that "it's summer! Of course I'm hot",haha ,you are so humour(I forgot how to spell the adj.).I think that's a trap,so I think I must tell you.

If you can't understant me,please just forget it,because my English terrible,I don't know how to express my mean.Maybe I will read your blog in the future,I think it's good for my English study.呵呵。

8:23 AM  
Blogger Emily F said...

um, you're freakin hilarious. I was wondering if you'd marry me, but I need to know how tall you are first. ;)

9:40 PM  

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