Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Rapunzel's Revenge

I made this for Dean and Shannon and, perhaps to a slightly lesser extent, Nathan, of whose dinosaurs I am incredibly jealous:

It was a lot of fun to work on, except when it wasn't.


Blogger Boxurian said...

Wow. She was really lovely. I LOVE long haired redheads. Shhh. Don't tell my wife.

5:11 PM  
Blogger Boxurian said...

Oh, if you go over to my blog, don't be shocked by some of my posts. Let's just say I have lost a lot of faith in organized religion over the years.

5:14 PM  
Blogger emilyfcutler said...

Gosh that was great. do I know you. I think I do...don't I? How?

10:52 PM  
Blogger Goshzilla said...

Hey emilyf,

I don't think you know me, at least... not very well.

Of course, in 2006 you did ask me to marry you (depending upon my height [6'1", not that it's important, but y'know, whatevs]). Which would have been way awesome if I had noticed that, say within even a month or two of you having posted it. Unfortunately for me, I didn't.

You were so obviously heartbroken by my callous rejection that you apparently decided to find solace for your wounded soul by running off to serve an LDS mission.*

Cut to a few days ago, a friend I hadn't heard from in a while contacts me on my near extinct and criminally neglected blog, and blah blah blah, et cetera et cetera, I re-read a few old posts and there was your awesome proposal. I remember what a cad I had been (breaking your heart and all, like the jerk-face that I am) and sought out your blog to relive all those old times we shared.

Okay, that last bit crossed some sort of very creepy line, and I feel I should apologize for it. I have sent it off to bed without its supper.

Bad sentence, bad.

Anyway, in what I hope is a more reassuring and not at all serial-killer-sounding continuation, your writing made me laugh, and I thought I'd drop off a somewhat esoteric comment of my own. As is my wont.

So, uh, yeah, upon closer examination, I guess I'm really just one of your long-forgotten, off-the-cuff posts come back to haunt you. Which I think is just a terribly valuable lesson to everyone about being cautious to whom you write in these perilous times.

I hope you don't mind. You just seemed funny and bright and interesting and very grammatically correct so I thought it'd be cool to say "hi".

In a totally random and quite possibly psyche-damaging sort of way.

So, um, "Hi", I guess.

*Clearly, these two events were not even remotely related. That entire paragraph has summarily lost all of its Xbox privileges for the next two weeks, on account of its terrible propensity for fibbing. It's not getting any dessert, either, in case you were wondering.

1:35 AM  
Blogger emilyfcutler said...

At long last, I see. I accept your "hi" and say "hello" in return.

6:38 PM  

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